



Data has always been a cornerstone in making decisions that have moved society forward. Every business, and every community, depends on data to extract innovative solutions. Technological advances have allowed scientists to collect immense amounts of data that require the curiosity, 创造力, 以及数据科学家收集数据的技能, 分析, and process the data to make it understandable and usable. As Wisam Bukaita , 博士学位, Assistant Professor of Practice in 数学与计算机科学 explains, “Those who study at 利记sbo and graduate with a 理学士 数据科学 degree will be equipped with tools and knowledge to handle the ever-expanding data landscape to make informed decisions.

“许多科学家和专家收集数据, but it’s the data scientist that can tell the story of this data based on professionals’ outcomes. That’s how we can forecast the future based on historical data.”


——Wisam Bukaita博士

在劳伦斯理工学院, data science is an interdisciplinary academic field that uses statistics, 科学计算, 科学的方法, 流程, 算法, and systems to extract or extrapolate knowledge and insights from noisy, 结构化, 非结构化数据, 是什么让利记sbo的BSDS项目与众不同, Bukaita解释. 

利记sbo students learn to understand complex data sets, 识别模式, and gain proficiency by 工作ing on projects in medicine, 生物医学工程, 机器学习, 大数据, 信息技术, 以及其他领域. Bukaita指出,基于项目的学习, which students experience in 利记sbo's BSDS program, is one of the most effective ways to prepare for a career in data science. He recently introduced a unique feature in his classes: "internship-based credit" while 工作ing toward their degree. “学生们学会了, 工作, 并在一个课程中获得报酬,他说, “with team building and leadership skills as a bonus.” Studying with nationally recognized faculty and industry experts, they also hone teambuilding and leadership skills that prepare them for exciting, 具有挑战性的, 以及在数据科学领域有意义的职业.

Wisam Bukaita

Wisam Bukaita在2023年的研究日

Graduates from 利记sbo with a 数据科学 degree are data scientists and decision makers who are able to develop and create programming code using computer science tools and combine it with statistical knowledge to derive insights from data.

Based on published statistics and social media trends, Bukaita noted that data scientists are in high demand in every industry and profession because they are decision-makers. “Every company and every organization strives to identify the future of their product or service and its implications. 这种指导来自于数据. There’s a story for each opportunity and the data scientist states the story starting from the past,他说. “Data modeling is at the heart of data science when you want to get more accurate conclusions.” The data scientist collects and 分析s data, 将其与当前数据进行比较, 准确性测试, and advises management on the best course of action. 


Wisam Bukaita和他的学生


利记sbo student-athlete and Computer Science major Guillermo Garcia de Celis Rodriguez

利记sbo student-athlete and Computer Science major Guillermo Garcia de Celis Rodriguez 工作ed with Bukaita on a data science research project. He said, “I was looking for a teaching assistant position and came away with a research job. 我从他身上学到了很多. Wisam. I don’t only want to code because you don’t get to understand where the data comes from or learn why the data is that way. He’s taught me that the data comes from a specific source, 它是有目的的, 它可以揭示重要的见解. With what he has taught me, I want to continue with Dr. 为我在利记sbo接下来的两年做准备.”

Garcia presented the research conducted with Dr. Bukaita at the 2023 Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters (MASAL) Conference on March 17, at Andrews University and a poster about this research project with Bukaita at 利记sbo Research Day 2023 in April titled "An Analysis of Temperature Variability Using an Index Model" that described the global warming.

For Garcia and others who may want to consider a career in data science, it is a highly valuable and rewarding career path. 根据U.S. 《利记SBOBET网页版》“最佳工作”榜单, data science ranks 6th in the "Best Technology Jobs" category. Furthermore, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has projected 35.8% employment growth for data scientists between 2021 and 2031, 这将产生大约40个,新增500个工作岗位. In 2021, the median salary for data scientists was $100,910. The highest earning 25% earned $130,770 and the lowest 25% earned an annual salary of $77,620.

Bukaita说, “For anyone who’s also interested in making a difference, data science provides numerous opportunities to do just that.” 

作者:rensame Ahee

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