方向三种 学生建议
/ CoAD
Summary/选修课程  /  形式
CoAD的学生建议页面是学生在设计毕业道路时使用的资源集合. It highlights current elective courses and other forms related to advising. For more information or questions please speak to your 学术顾问


DES2993 Special Topics: Fantastic Drawing with Adobe Fresco (with Ayako Aratani)
Monday and Wednesday 5:30 pm - 7:40 pm 在线
Students will explore the various digital drawing tools within Adobe Fresco, 从钢笔, 铅笔, 标记, 和水彩画, 对油漆喷雾器. We will st艺术 by drawing simple illustrations and progress to surreal products, 幻想的人物, 以及荒谬的内部和环境. This course will be conducted entirely via Zoom, 学生们需要在夏天从CoAD办公室签出一个Huion平板电脑,或者有自己的数字画板.
限制:SO, JR, SR
Recommended: Anyone who wants to explore drawing skills in a creative environment

DES4993 Special Topics: World Building for Mobile Devices (with Anthony Fox)
Monday and Wednesday 7:50-10:00 pm 在线
本课程让学生沉浸在手机游戏世界设计的动态和快速发展的领域, 特别专注于为虚拟现实(VR)耳机创造沉浸式体验. Students will explore the intersection of game design principles, 移动技术, 和VR平台概念化, 开发, and deploy captivating game worlds tailored for handheld devices and VR headsets. 对所有设计专业的学生开放. A Quest 2 VR headset can be signed out for the summer from the CoAD office.
限制:SO, JR, SR 
Recommended: Upper year students with significant design background suggested.

DES4993/DES5993 Special Topics: Poster Modern, A Practical Application of Poster Design History (with Brendan Seyka)
Tuesday and Thursday 5:10 pm- 7:20 pm 在线
在这个项目为基础的课程, 学生将创作作品,考察海报设计从工业革命到数字革命的演变作用, 并利用发现的技术, 的见解, 和永恒的视觉沟通策略,学会有效地呈现自己的作品. 本课程将为所有基于视觉的设计程序和一个伟大的方式来增强你的设计沟通技巧建立演讲技巧.
限制:SO, JR, SR, GR
Recommended: There is a graduate and undergraduate version of the class available

DES4993 / ARC5993抵制! The impact of social uprising on the built environment (with Lizabeth Wardzinski)
Tuesdays 7:30-10:20 pm (synchronous/asynchronous) 在线 seminar
起义, 革命, 反叛是在社会和文化时间线上划分可接受时期的传统方式. 本课程通过研究历史上抵抗的原因和行为来研究这些抵抗事件如何改变我们的建筑环境. 我们将分析社会, 政治, 以及文化背景作为我们深入探索的一部分来发现这些抵抗行为在我们今天的世界中留下了什么.
限制:SO, JR, SR (DES), GR (ARC)
Recommended: There is a graduate and undergraduate version of the class available. 高年级学生建议.

ARC 4XX3/5XX3 Special Topics: Improvisational Architecture
周三,晚上7:30 -11:35在线
严格介绍手绘技术,允许建筑师/设计师实时表达想法.  本课程将探讨如何简化复杂的建筑概念,并将它们从头脑瞬间转化为手.  研究建筑领域之外的各种即兴技术,以扩大学生潜意识概念化的能力, 组成, 代表设计方案.
Prereqs: Intro to Vis Com and Vis Com (UG) or Vis Com (grad)

DES 3993 Special Topics: Tokyo - Immersive Design and Technology  
学生们将探索目前正在东京发生的几个沉浸式互动技术和设计项目, 日本. 他们将探索沉浸式技术中使用的各种硬件和软件以及该技术的不同应用. In addition to discovering projects and uses, students will create a self-directed project in Tokyo using AR, VR, XR, 或视频. 除了使用AR, XR, 虚拟现实作为媒介, students will also explore content of these projects, discovering the various roles design and technology can have on our lives. 
Program Dates: June 1 – June 16 (2 weeks). For cost and schedule questions and information, please email Steve Coy ( scoy@chinaqinyu.com )
限制:仅限SO, JR, SR 

DES 5993 Special Topics: Tokyo - Immersive Design and Technology  
学生们将探索目前正在东京发生的几个沉浸式互动技术和设计项目, 日本. 他们将探索沉浸式技术中使用的各种硬件和软件以及该技术的不同应用. In addition to discovering projects and uses, students will create a self-directed project in Tokyo using AR, VR, XR, 或视频. 除了使用AR, XR, 虚拟现实作为媒介, students will also explore the content of these projects, discovering the various roles design and technology can have on our lives. 
Program Dates: June 1 – June 16 (2 weeks). For cost and schedule questions and information, please email Steve Coy ( scoy@chinaqinyu.com )

电弧3993 /电弧6003
Special Topics: Guerilla Architecture and Humanitarian Design (with Scott Shall) 
周二晚上7:30 - 11:35在线

This course will look to renowned thinkers and makers, 战略家和游击队员, to une艺术h useful strategies for the activist, 改革者和人道主义者. 然后,参加课程的学生将根据这一立场采取行动,实现一系列协调的小规模干预措施,旨在帮助我们地区或周边地区的弱势群体或社区群体. Through these conjoined acts – research and making – this course will investigate, 发展和重新定义方法, habits and potentials of both the guerrilla and architect.  在这个过程中, 这门课程将为学生提供机会,让他们发挥自己的创造性才能,造福那些最需要他们的人. 
限制:仅限SO, JR, SR, GR 


ARC 3843 / 5033 BIM for Building Systems (with Corbin Patten)
周四晚上7:30 - 11:35在线
介绍建筑信息模型(BIM)的工具和技术有关的结构, 机械, 电, 管道, 和其他服务网络. BIM工具用于对单个网络的组件进行建模,并了解建筑内不同网络的集成情况. 探讨BIM在建筑行业中作为不同学科之间协作平台的作用
限制:仅限SO, JR, SR, GR 


DES 3993 Special Topics: Social Connection and Technology (with Jessica Jordan) 
Tuesday and Thursday 4:20pm to 5:35pm 在线
人工智能正在迅速发展,并提出了有关人机连接和关系的问题. Social media has made us more connected than ever, yet studies continuously show that loneliness pervades the most tech-savvy generations. 在本课程中, we will imagine how networks like families, 社区, 社交网络, 基础设施将随着技术的发展而改变,我们的社会也将适应这种发展. We will use key research around 社交网络, 人工智能, 以及人机交互来发展对未来科技的假设以及它对我们人际关系的影响. 这门课的目的是抛弃当前的假设,思考未来利记sbo技术和社会联系的规范. 班会包括多种形式的演讲, 讨论, and collaborative group activities to test theories and techniques first hand.
限制:仅限SO, JR, SR 

INX 3993 Special Topics: Reimagining Resiliency, Securing Sustainability 
该课程将通过一个专注于可持续性的设计项目与建筑学合作,实现一个实现能源和碳的弹性目标的项目. Focus will be on sustainable materials and life cycle analysis, principles of timber structural design to inform massing and architectural form, and design considerations for energy generation.
Co-listed with an 体系结构 senior studio.
限制:仅限SO, JR, SR 
Recommended: JR and Sr 室内设计 and Product Design

ART 3023  Photography (with Tryst Mallette) 
Monday and Wednesday 11:00am-12:50pm ON GROUND
本课程的重点是使用相机和暗室以及数码摄影过程. 学生考虑摄影的创造性和批判性视觉传达应用.
前提条件:DES 1213

GRA 2223  Visual Culture (with Stefan Cieply) 
星期二和星期四上午9:30 -10:45 
This course addresses the relationship between sight, 知识, and power to consider the aesthetic and cultural value of images. 学生们学习分析作品, 接待, 并通过循环图像来了解它们的视觉意义以及社会文化影响. Coursework addresses the visual world as manifested in design, 艺术, 体系结构, 大众媒体, 和更多的, 从各个领域汲取灵感, 包括艺术和设计的历史, 媒体研究, 批判理论, 和哲学.
先决条件:COM 1103

IDD 3993 Special Topics: Multimodal Prototyping (with Justin Famularo) 
先进的三维原型设计,专注于在数字和物理媒介之间移动结果. 学生将通过不同的原型工作流程发展解决问题的能力. 结果将结合组件与不同的材料工艺和性能,以及检查成功的文档技术.
限制:仅限SO, JR, SR 
Prerequisites: At least two courses in 3D modeling - Rhino, Alias, Blender. 

ARC 3993 Special Topics: Islamic Architecture 
Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
本课程考察了伊斯兰世界跨越15个世纪的建筑史, from the emergence of Islam in the seventh century to the present. 在地理上, the course examines monuments and cities in Asia, Africa and Europe as well as North America. The survey studies key and representative architectural examples in their 政治, social and religious contexts. 课程按时间顺序组织,追踪伊斯兰教的传播,介绍有影响力的赞助人, 思考者和设计师. 建筑和城市形态是课程的重点,但它也涉及其他相关的文化和艺术形式,如陶瓷, 金属制品及纺织品. 本课程将伊斯兰建筑作为一种成熟的历史传统,作为一种动态的、互动的催化剂,既影响了与之接触的文明,又受其影响.
限制:仅限SO, JR, SR 

ARC 5883 Special Topics: Psychology of Space
This elective course explores the intersection of psychology and 体系结构, examining how built environments influence human behavior, 情绪, 和幸福. Students will explore various aspects of space psychology, ranging from safety 和幸福 to happiness and remembrance. 本课程强调心理学原理在建筑设计中的应用, 重点是创造包容性, 支持, and enriching spaces for diverse populations.




